Saturday 28 May 2011

Learn How to Build a Wind Generator

Icon of Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines
Learning how to Build a Wind Generator is not that difficult. With a little help and encouragement from our experienced staff and the right set of wind generator plans you can build a homemade wind generator that will produce free wind energy for your home for years to come
The 3 best reasons Why you should Build a Wind Generator
Why should you choose to build a wind generator instead of buying one? Or even installing solar panels as an option to produce renewable energy to power your home? It doesn’t matter if you live in Canada, the United States, Israel, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, England, or any other country on Earth, this just works.
Reason #1 – More Power Output per Dollar Invested !
Over the past 15 years our family has explored every renewable energy option available and after our extensive research we have concluded that learning how to build wind generators is the best option. We have built our own solar panels, and it isn’t nearly as easy as building a wind generator.
The output of power from solar panels is substantially less than the total power output potential from a simple wind generator setup. Compare 100 watts from a typical solar panel to the 1000 watts (or more) of power production potential from wind generators for about the same money invested.
That one comparison is a huge factor in our decision to promote the building of wind generators instead of solar energy. We do use both solar and wind energy in our home, but the fastest way to get set up with renewable energy is to build a wind generator. Nearly every location can be adapted to produce most or all of their energy from the wind.
Reason #2 Build A Wind Generator- Save Thousands of Dollars!
When we first started out looking at the options to produce renewable energy for our home we started shopping for wind generators. Yes, we thought we would just entertain the option of purchasing our own 1000 watt wind generator complete with tower. But,wo the prices! They were outrageous, the least expensive package we could find was in the area of $4000 and we had to install it.
For this family that was a lot of money, we decided to find out if it was possible to build our own wind generator. After about 10 years of research we can finally answer that it is definitely possible for the average family to build their own wind generator and save thousands of dollars.
Definitely this is a better option, it turned into a real family project and had a lot of fun too.
Reason #3 Wind Generators are Visually Appealing!
A well built, well planned wind generator installation looks great spinning away 40 feet above the ground. I have personally never seen a solar panel installation that looked half as good as any homemade wind generator we have built, or any of the hundreds of families who have used our plans either.
When I look out the window and see our own wind generator whirling away with its stainless steel body, colorful tail and bright yellow blades spinning around up there I know we chose the right option and the many emails we get all agree with our choice too.
Those are 3 pretty good reasons to build a wind generator, you will no doubt find even more reasons as you build your own.
Which way does the wind blow in your neighborhood?
Get your wind speed data here-
If you want to build a wind generator you will need to know
You can get wind speed data for anywhere in the world. If you live in the United States, in Canada, Mexico, U.K. (Great Britain), Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, India, Africa, or anywhere else in the World you can build a wind generator with this wind speed data
Please Read This First

If you have any Problems, Questions or Concerns about this book, please contact us immediately.
Use the Contact Us form on our website.
We want you to know that you are important to us. Your success is important to us. That makes your questions important to us.
Your total satisfaction with this book is our aim.
Please remember that it does take some time to digest new information. There are times when it takes me 2 or even 3 times reading a book before I ‘get it’.
You are not alone if you don’t get it the first time through. This can be a very complicated subject to understand, especially if it is new to you. Take your time and let us help you if you need it.
We are here to help you and we will walk you through every step if you need us to.
Here at the Living Off the Grid homestead we like challenges. Our challenge here was to build a Homemade Wind Generator that satisfied the following criteria for design, and teach you how to build it efficiently while having fun too.
Homemade Wind Generator Challenge
• Your Homemade Wind Generator can be built for under $100 usd and will produce 1000 watts of powerr
• You will find FREE wind towers and batteries!!
• You will find FREE wind generator blades- built in an hour!!
• You will build your own FREE Battery Desulfatorr
• The plans are easy to read and follow
• You will match your generator motor to your blades
• This is an Original design for the homemade wind generator
• Must be made from readily available material
• Must be easy to build and assemble
• Tough enough to endure the tough Canadian climate
• Your home made wind generator will look good!
• Protect your new wind generator from damaging high winds with a simple tilt-up or pilot vane system

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